Saturday, 12 May 2018

Students Data Center

Students Data Center is an application to save all of data from students in the class. It's very simple and easy to use. Students Data Center has been made by love with the help of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition. Okay let's take a look how to use it.
Students Data Center utilize one type of database namely OleDB Database. So this application can connect with Microsoft Access to save all data permanently (not lost while the application is closed). It's a simple application with little navigation and menu.

How to use it

Students Data Center has 2 menus Data and About. And 5 navigation buttons to look next, previous, last, and first of the data and Expand (>>) button. Data menu has 5 sub menus such as :

  • Add Data, to add data to application
  • Delete This Data, to delete the current data from application
  • Update This Data, to update or change the information of the current data
  • Refresh, to refresh the application after updating, deleting, and adding the data
  • Search, to search the specified data in whole data 

Adding Data to Application

To add data to the application, click Data => Add Data and form Add Data will open. Insert some required information to the form such as name, religion, born, and photo. If you have inserted some required information, click ADD button and the data will be inserted to the application. To show the data that has been included click Data => Refresh.

Delete the Data from Database Storage

For deleting the current data (data that is showed in open application), click Data => Delete This Data and decision question dialog box will open, click Yes to delete the current data. Finally, refresh the application to look the change in application by click Add Data => Refresh.

Update Information of The Data

You can update some information of current data by click Data => Update This Data and Update Data form will open so you can insert some required information to replace the old information. After done of inserting required information, click UPDATE button. Finally don't forget to refresh the application by click Data => Refresh.

Searching Specified Data

You can search specified data from whole data by click Data => Search and Search form will open. Insert the name that you want to look for.

Looking Data from Table

You can look the whole data from table by click expand button (>>) and the application will show you the table that contains whole data. You can scroll it to view the next data.

Create Application in VB NET

We create this application by using Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition and for database is made by Microsoft Access 2010. Below is steps how to create the application.

1. Create database using Microsoft Access

Install and open Microsoft Access and create new file. Give a name of file with .mdb extension. Create a table and create some fields such as name, religion, birth date and photo. The number of field is up to you, you can add the field. Save the table and give a name for table. Finally save (ctrl+s) your database and close Microsoft Access.

2. Create The Application in VB NET

Install and open Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and create new file by select New => New Project and select Windows Forms Application and give the required information. After all is done, design interface will open. Insert some menus and navigation in Form1.vb same as in above picture. And don't forget to add form for Add Data, Update Data, and Search by right click Project Name in solution explorer => Add => New Item and select Windows Form, give a name and click Add button, and design it. Below is the example of Add Data design. For more information you can contact us by email or message.

3. Add Code for Each Form

Below is a piece of code for main form of Students Data Center, there are a lot of code that are not shown here but you can contact us to get more. For more information or for source files of the application you can contact us.

Finally save the solution and build it. After that, place the application that you have made and database .mdb file in the same directory. And ta daa you have just made the database application from VB NET and Microsoft Access.Okay that is the small knowledge about how to make the application that can save the students data  from VB.Net. Have a nice day and see you soon.

You can download Students Data Center application below :

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